The time has come for the purpose of this blog to change a little. I started it as a place to share some of the work that others are doing, although I found that to be more of a challenge than anticipated while working full time. Unfortunately, I never really got in the habit of updating regularly and I want to change that. As of yesterday, I left my job here in Massachusetts and I am getting ready to teach with the Peace Corps for two years. I will be serving in Mozambique, in southeastern Africa.
From what I have heard and read, this is a country full of generous people, beautiful beaches and intense poverty. I have also heard that much of the country has decent access to the internet via smartphones, so I am hoping to be able to keep you all updated through this blog, along with email, Skype and phone calls. Letters (and care packages) will be more than welcome once I have my address, too!
I have a lot to do to get ready, and I'll be traveling to Brazil and San Diego before I go, so I will try to start the habit of posting here before I go. I'll start by sharing a link to a bio of Josina Machel, a badass Mozambican woman who was a leader in the country's fight for independence from the Portuguese. I was happy to learn that Mozambique has a national women's day, celebrated on Josina's birthday, and had a woman prime minister, Luisa Diogo, serve as Prime Minister for six years.
Até breve! (See you soon!)